Indian Karate Do Kyokushin Kai
The Indian Karate Do Kyokushin Kai (IKK) has been functioning since 1982 and has created a reputation in Karate all over the world. IKK, which was founded on 22nd September 1982 by Hanshi Sapan B Chakraborty started its journey to fame from the Alpa Bachat Bhavan at Pune (state of Maharashtra) where our classes have been held regularly. Currently IKK has its branches over 7 states all over India.
The founder and chief instructor of Indian Karate Do Kyokushin Kai is Hanshi Sapan B Chakraborty, one of the oldest instructors in Pune. Presently training 4,000 students privately, he conducts training sessions in 7 city schools. His sincere aim by imparting his training is to make the young people of today more strong – physically and mentally – and enable them to meet their day-to-day challenges independently, with calmness and courage. He has also trained the 9th Battalion Commando Special Forces, and we are proud to mention that many of our students now hold high ranks in the Armed Forces, The Police Force, the Customs Department, and have indeed lived up to the principles and teachings of Kyokushin Kai Karate.
Several other classes are held at various schools and other places in Pune. For details regarding these dojos please contact our Office.
IKK Achievements
Some major achievements of Indian Karate Do Kyo Kushin Kai in India & abroad are:
Hanshi Chakraborty’s name figures in the Guinness Book of World Records and Limca Book of World Records for breaking 12 slabs of ice, each measuring 5.5’’x 44’’on 20th September 1992 at Pune, with his bare forehead in a single stroke.
In the month of September 1992, Hanshi, set a record by successfully completing 50 Men Kumite. All Fighters of different styles of Karate from Shodan to Yondan grades fought for 2 minutes each in which Hanshi defeated each of the fighters. Moreover, he accomplished this feat without getting injured or any casualties.
Overcoming the impossible, he broke his own record, by breaking 13 slabs of Ice in March 1993, with his bare forehead in a single stroke.
At the International Knockdown Tournament held at Crystal Palace, London in 1994, Shihan Jacintha D’Souza was the only participant from all over India, accompanying Shihan.
At the 1st World IFK Knockdown Championship held at Moscow (Russia), we had two female participants, Senpai Rashida Matheranwalla and Senpai Zeeba Irani and a male participant Shihan Yogesh Dangare representing the Indian team. Hanshi Chakraborty was the official country representative and was also appointed as referee at the event.
Our students Shihan Yogesh Dangare, Senpai Abhijit Gavali, Senpai Kiran Alatgi and Senpai Prashant Kankokar participated in the 2nd Asian Shinzen Kai Karate Championship, which was held at the Balewadi National Sports Complex, Pune. Twelve countries had participated at this event.
A major achievement of the year 2002 has been the success of the 2nd World IFK Knockdown Championship in Spain, wherein we had a team of 6 participants, which participated on behalf of the country. All this was possible due to the tireless efforts of the students and Hanshi as well as due to the undoubtedly helpful support of the whole organizing committee.
In October 2003, at the 2nd World IFK Kata Championship held in Poland, we represented India with a squad of 6 members.
Our students also participated in the 3rd Asian Shindokay Karate Championship held at Pune and won two gold, one silver and one bronze medal.
In November 2004, a contingent of 6 karatekas participated in the 2nd World Black Belt Training Camp at Switzerland.
Besides the above listed achievements, Karatekas of Indian Karate Kyokushin Kai have participated and won a lot of national Kumite and Kata Championships.
Important Note: Recently, we are given to understand that many unauthorized Karate instructors with invalid certifications approach the aspirants of Karate in order to conduct training under the name of our institution. To avoid such instances, may we request you to contact us direct and obtain the correct information about such instructors. You may contact us using below details:
For any queries please contact:
Hanshi Sapan B Chakraborty : “+91-9822601521”

International Federation of Kyokushin
“Is it the Man who lives in the Art or the Art that lives in the Man? It’s difficult to distinguish for me! For me Kyokushin is a way of life. The International Federation of Kyokushin is my contribution towards all the passionate followers of Kyokushin and martial arts” – Hanshi Sapan B Chakraborty
The International Federation of Kyokushin (Karate) was launched on 22nd September 2013, which was also the 31st foundation day for the IKK. The IFK has been launched with an objective to provide quality and affordable Kyokushin training to national and international karatekas. Hanshi Sapan B Chakraborty has dedicated his entire life to the development of Kyokushin and the International Federation of Kyokushin is an addition to his efforts of spreading the Kyokushin Spirit.
Hanshi started his training very early in life at the age of 7. With a zeal to find his passion and discover the style which truly depicts and justifies his thirst to be a true martial artist, He finally started to train under the Master of Kyokushin, Sosai Masutatsu Oyama or Mas Oyama. Shihan also trained under Shihan Bobby Lowe.
Sosai, always spoke of the Budo Spirit, He said “Always remember that the true meaning of Budo is that soft overcomes hard, small overcomes large” and Hanshi Sapan B Chakraborty has given his best to follow the Budo spirit. Hanshi was a part of the IKO until the year 1992 and thereafter, once Hanshi Steve Arneil founded the The International Federation of Karate (IFK), he has been with The International Federation of Karate until 15 Jan 2014.
“Kyokushin has given me everything that I am today. I feel, now it is my time to give back something to Kyokushin. I am only a speck of the entire martial art. I dedicated my entire life for Karate and continue to follow it against all odds. I have seen many great karatekas being forced by situation to leave martial arts due to heavy monetary requirements and hence IKK brings to you, The International Federation of Kyokushin, so that there is no barrier for those karatekas who are truly passionate about martial arts. Our motto is to spread Kyokushin like fire which always rises upwards and be in the Budo spirit.” Hanshi Sapan B Chakraborty.
IFK is a unique organization, which will create only ‘quality karatekas’ by imparting international level Kyokushin training. In all these years, we have seen many great karatekas give-up their passion for karate for the sole reason of high monetary requirements to grow in this field internationally. Hence, the International Federation of Kyokushin promises to impart international level quality karate education, since our main motto is to enhance the spirit of Kyokushin among martial artists. The IFK will follow and award all the training, belts, camps, grading as per international standards removing the biggest barrier of high fee structures, or international travel for all its members.
What more, The IFK is not restricted to only the followers of Kyokushin or only Indian martial artists, however to all other styles, national and international karatekas too. Our main motto is to follow and rise in the Budo spirit. We believe that we are all the followers of Martial Arts and we will do everything to strengthen it, spread it and help everyone deepen their passion for karate through our support.
We promise to impart the Kyokushin training and knowledge in its truest and purest form always!