Karate – do is a martial art originated in Okinawa, modified and transformed in a way of life by Master Gichin Funakoshi. Until before these modifications, it was just a group of techniques that permitted self-defense without weapons other than your hands and feet. Though there was some Chinese influence, the development was mostly Okinawan , and thus Japanese Master Funokashi , influenced by traditional martial arts from the main Japanese islands, kyudo, kendo, judo for example, he modified Karate, that until that moment could have been called Karate- jutsu , a fighting art and emphasized the philosophical aspects,this way all that was learnt could be extrapolated to the daily life of the student. This is why karate is a way of life : Karate-do (do means way or road ).

Gichin Funakoshi, thus, combined the karate techniques with the traditional budo(the martial way), inserting the essence of Budo in the heart of Karate – the real way of martial arts. The Budo word is formed by two Chinese characters, bu is formed by two symbols, one means to stop inside another that represents two weapons, two crossed halberds, this bu means to stop conflict. In master Funakoshi’s own words: “since karate is a budo , this meaning should be deeply considered, and the fists should not be used heedlessly “. Shotokai Chile, has modified its name from karate – do to karate Budo, to emphasize its difference from so many other karate – do’s that have very little of the original foundations, sort of what Master Funakoshi did when he modified the KARA character and added the ‘do’. The word Karate was formed by two characters, the first one ‘kara’ (empty) and the other te(hand), the first one having many sides to it .

The first one is the least subtle and the most straightforward, through the practice of karate, self defence techniques are learnt where no weapons are needed other than hands, feet or other part of the body . Secondly, and in other words of Master Funakoshi: “Just as it is the clear mirror that reflects without distortion , or the quiet valley that echoes a sound, so must one h would study Karate – do purge himself of selfish and evil thoughts, for only with a clear mind and conscience can he /she understand that which he/she receives. This another meaning of the element kara in karate-do”. Another meaning given by the Master is that of always striving to be inwardly humble and outwardly gentle, thus meaning a internal emptiness of egoism and acting gently and moderately.

Finally he talks about the elemental from the Universe, which is emptiness(kara), “and thus , emptiness is from itself. The ‘kara’ of karate-do has this meaning. “ After what has been said, it is clear that Karate do and Karate Budo are much, much more that mere self defence techniques, actually such a definition is far short from the real essence of Karate as a philosophy, which strives to develop the inner qualities of a human being and the search of perfection of your character, though strenuous training in the do and budo martial arts.

Meanaing of KyoKushin Kai

Kyoku: The Far East Asia

Shin: The Truth from Within or Reality

Kai: Club or Organization or Meet and Join

Ago Uchi
Jaw Strike
Ashi Barai Foot Sweep
Barai Sweep
Budo Martial Way
Chudan Tsuki Middle Thrust
Chudan Uke Middle Block
Chusoku Ball Of The Foot
Dachi Stance
Dan Black Belt Grade
Fudo Dachi Formal Stance
Ganmen Uchi Strike To Face/Temple
Gedan Lower
Gedan Barai Lower Block
Gedan Tsuki Lower Thrust
Geri (Mae Geri) Kick
Haito Inner Knife Hand
Heiko Dachi Parallel Stance
Heisoku Dachi Parallel Closed Stance
Hiji Elbow
Hiza Geri Knee Kick
Ibuki Method Of Breathing
Ippon One
Jodan Tsuki Upper Thrust
Jodan Uke Upper Block
Juji Cross
Kakato Heel
Kake Hook
Kake Dachi Hook Stance
Kansetu Geri Joint Kick
Kara Empty
Kata Formal Exercise
Kiai Shout
Kiba Dachi Straddle Stance
Kihon Basic
Kin Geri Groin Kick
Koken Bent Wrist
Kokutsu Dachi Back Leaning Stance
Komekami Temple
Kumite Fighting
Mae Geri Forward Kick
Mawashi Geri Roundhouse Kick
Mawashi Uchi Roundhouse Strike
Mawashi Uki Roundhouse Block
Mokuso Meditation
Morote Both Hands
Musubi Dachi Open Toes Stance
Nekoashi Dachi Cat Stance
Nihon Nukite Two Finger Spear
Nogare Method Of Breathing
Nukite Spear Hand
Oroshi Descending Strike
Sakutsu Uchi/Shota Saga Uchi Strike To The Collarbone
Sayu Left and right
Seiken Fore fist
Shita Lower
Shotei Palm heel
Shuto Knife hand
Sokuto Knife foot
Soto Outside
Te Hand
Tobi Jump
Tsuki Punch
Tsuroashi Dachi Crane Stance
Uchi Strike Or Inside
Uchi Komi Strike Forward
Uchi Hachi Ji Dachi Figure of Eight Stance
Uke Block
Ura Reverse
Uraken Inverted Fist Strike
Ushiro Back or Behind
Yoko Side
Zenkutsu Dachi Forward Leaning Stance


White belt – symbolizes purity, a new students heart is full of hope. With dedication your whole life can be changed, you will be recognized for your willingness to learn, but there is no rush, everybody was white belt once.

9th KYU/blue stripe – stability and control of the body, feel the weight centered in yourself, correct posture. Power and progress are built on a solid foundation.

8th/ 7th KYU – Blue belts – water adapts and reacts fluidly. With improved strength and suppleness, accept the long journey ahead, train with energetic vigor.

6th/5th KYU – Yellow belts – fire, the power generated from a centered body. Now awareness, perception and assertion begin, forge a resolute spirit.

4th/ 3rd KYU – Green belts – air, the emotional heart, in patience and humility will the balance be found, a new strength and the way forward.

2nd/1st KYU – Brown belts – creativity, timing and sensitivity combine to express the character and reflect the training, self realization leads to consciousness.

Shodan ( first man) – Black – equipped with a basic ability & understanding your journey begins.


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